Hello - it's Photo Hunt time again folks, courtesy of our dear friend Krissy. This weeks' theme is the letter "T"; either an object in the form of a T, or something beginning with the letter T. My entry isn't the most innovative, because I'm stuck indoors at the moment, with a streaming cold and conjunctivitus.
It's not all bad news though, wait for it...................I've ordered broadband! Only drawback is, until I receive the equipment and set it up, I have to pay local phone charges for every minute I'm online. When I finally join the "jet set", there'll be no stopping me. I intend to make more regular entries, along with lots of pics. The past year has been very difficult, one way or another, and time in very short supply. 2008 may not have got off to the best start, but I'm going to make sure the rest of it is something to look forward to. Starting with my journal.
I'm very happy in my new home, although hubby is not so sure. But there again, he didn't like Nash until he left there, after 25 years! It's such a nice bungalow, in a lovely setting. My kitchen window looks out onto the green, with ornamental cherry trees and seats for us "oldies". Don't think of myself as old yet, but many of our neighbours are; as this is part of a sheltered housing scheme. It's ideal, as we have a lovely Scheme Manager, Linda, who is a great support for me in my caring role for hubby. I'm so used toshouldering everything though and don't like asking for help, even more accepting it.
All in all, life is so much better - I no longer wake up in the mornings, with feelings of dread. Our old home was becoming too much of a burden and too far from any services; shops, doctors etc. Life is for living, you only have one chance and it's great being able to look forward, once again.
Here's hoping life treats you all fairly this year. Take care. Thanks for dropping by my friends.
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