Well, I thought it was about time I kicked me bum into gear.
Wednesday last week I went to the butchers. Seriously now, I underwent extensive surgery on main nerve in right arm, plus work on the carpel tunnel in hand and finally got a ganglion removed from under the tendon sheath on third finger. Am typing this left handed, with great difficulty. Next week I go back to hospital on Thursday, when hopefully all dressings, stitches and bandages will be removed. Can’t wait to get back to normal, driving me little car and regaining me independence. It’s not been an easy time, hubby remains very poorly and I’ve still been his carer 24/7. No help whatsoever with Ron’s care; but the nurse from the early onset team, who assessed him two weeks ago, is coming over, along with a new consultant, tomorrow morning. God I hope they don’t walk away from the situation, like everyone else has in the past.
Intermediate Care comes along every morning to help me wash and dress; but being the fiercely independent so-and-so that I am, I’ve usually done most of it meself. Find I can’t wash me back properly though, or wash me left arm with me left arm. The saga of me bra is for women’s reading only: Soon worked out how to put that on, without having to ask other folks to do it. If I lay it on the bed to hook it up, then gently pull the strap over my right arm, put head through, then left arm through other strap; I can pull the bra down over me boobs. Job done! There’s a dodgy moment when pulling bra down though – at a certain point in the procedure, bra becomes a temporary tourniquet!
A friend is doing the heavy housework and changing beds etc. Don’t know what I’d have done without her. Mealtimes are a nightmare. If you’ve never tried cooking with one hand, I wouldn’t recommend it.
Our two little princesses came to see us on Sunday. Jasmine’s a right little giggler, bless her. She got really excited when I produced a bottle of bubbles. Holly went down the garden and picked some orange blossom, which she arranged in Jasmine’s cup. I let her borrow me camera, to take a pic and showed her how to give it soft edges and add text. She was happy too. So was I, love my grandkids to bits.
Must say bye for now, need to put me sling back on. Take care my friends. Keep laughing.